You've taken the time to conquer the clutter.
You've made the tough decisions.
You've donated, mended, thrown, purged, given-away, consigned, dry-cleaned, repaired, straightened, folded, labeled and finally created a system for storing and using your stuff.
Now, how do you maintain your new space?
Here are some helpful suggestions on keeping up your newly organized space from John Trosko, owner of OrganizingLA in Los Angeles:
- Maintaining your space should be done just as you systematically did before; one area at a time. Put yourself on a schedule, and pick up after yourself. Remember, the key word is system-- and stick to it. Handle one item at a time, or one closet. If you keep it in small increments, you will avoid that overwhelmed feeling you get. In return, never get anything decisions made.
- Dedicate a space in the garage or closet shelf for donations. Use a sturdy box, basket or bag, and when you see something you really don't need anymore, toss the item into the container. Push yourself to visit your local thrift store or donation charity on a regular basis for a drop-off. Use the It's Deductible! software I wrote about in July. Folks think that once their bookshelf is decluttered, they're done forever. Not. Getting organized is a long-term process that require diligence. It's not something you can tackle on a Sunday night. The same thought continues with the maintenance of your new space.
- If you've taken the time and money to get a closet or garage organized, don't reintroduce clutter. Use the techniques to continuously rid yourself of the things you no longer use. Always put things in the place where you use them-- and those places can change as your needs change.