This past week, we've posted an avalanche of articles to get your business more organized and it's ironic that our organizing and relocation business is doing great these days. The first OrganizingLA article posted on Monday, Getting Entrepreneurs Organized from Entrepreneur Magazine and the second, an article from BusinessWeek on The Dangers of Disorganization for Small Business were both well read. Be sure to check out these articles.
Next up, Professional Organizer Extraordinaire Julie Morgenstern visited "Weekend Today" to answer questions of office productivity and offer tips for being more effective at work. Morgenstern is the author of “Never Check E-mail In The Morning: And Other Unexpected Strategies for Making Your Work Life Work.” Here's a great excert:
"Start the day off right: You should start your day with the most important task. Too often, when facing an overwhelming list of to-do's people start with five or 10 quick, easy tasks to get a false sense of accomplishment, or as a warm-up, but in actuality this approach is a huge mistake. It depletes your energy because those five or 10 things take up a couple of hours, and then interruptions begin to intrude on your day and you never get the important stuff done. The burden and worry of those neglected important tasks hanging over your head slows you down. Conversely, by starting your day with the most important task, you clear the decks, kind of like earning your salary by 10 am. The sense of accomplishment you feel fuels your energy for the rest of the day and makes you more productive because there is nothing weighing you down."
You can read the entire article here.