Computers make us more productive. But do they? Editor of the popular Lifehacker site, Gina Trapani was asked recently what tools does she use to get organized. The answers may surprise you-- and her advise will save you hours at Best Buy.
Click here to check out the article and Gina's tips including this great opening. These are fighten' words!
"Ever since I started writing Lifehacker, people have been asking me: what tools do YOU use to get things done? Readers, friends and journalists want to know what the ultimate personal information manager is, the perfect personal organizer, the best calendar or PDA. The question is asked with a wide-eyed expectant expression, as if I’m about to reveal the Sacred Ultimate Getting Things Done Widget that will solve anyone’s problems with disorganization and overwhelm.
My answer usually disappoints.
There is no perfect personal organization system. No filing system, no PDA, no anti-PDA, no labelmaker and no potion is going to do every single thing you need it to. Every solution has its strengths and weaknesses. Your absolute must-have requirements mixed in with the shortcomings you’re willing to tolerate will determine what’s right for you. (Coincidentally, this is true of jobs, relationships, locations, houses, and cars, too.)"
I hope this Professional Organizer hasn't burst your bubble. Comments?