We're big on organizing, and we're also big on community. There are elements of our business--mainly pro-bono organizing that we don't always boast or blog about. Why-- and what projects are coming up that we CAN talk about?
Well, for one, clutter can be a shameful issue for some. In order for a television, charity or non-profit event to work, publicly, you need a client who is "proud of their problem." And those kinds of people are tough to find, or tough to talk about in a public forum without giving too much away. Sometimes, we just have to keep our comp work private in respect to the situation. And it's okay, because we'd like to think it's really about helping others and not boasting.
So that said, OrganizingLA is tackling two small television projects in the next three weeks, with some clients who *we hope* are proud of their problem, and will benefit others by talking about their challenges on local television. The first we're filming tomorrow is in Costa Mesa, courtesy of Chris McKenry, who is President of the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Association of Professional Organizers, and owner of Get It Together LA! Chris has secured a Mother's Day garage makeover for KCBS-TV using the efforts of 8 professional organizers who are donating their expertise to one lucky viewer who won a station contest. Container Store has been approached by the Chapter as well as 1-800-GOT-JUNK, who are both providing products or services for free, too.
The family approached KCBS because their garage is over-run by clutter. But part of the clutter is for a good cause (and a great reason why they probably won the contest)-- the mother collects a variety of items and sends them to the troupes in Iraq. The family project has grown so large, that their local church sends over volunteers once a month to package and send the goodies overseas. I think our focus of our day should be to develop a system to store and process these items, as well as teaching basic organizing techniques so the prob doesn't resurface ever again.
We have limited time. And we're planning on really blitzing the project with donated, professional, labor. Chris has just called me and his pre-screen consultation was successful. The clients are ready to decide, sort, purge, label and maintain. This, and every organizing project we tackle, is very interactive. I'm sure we're run into a few surprises, and hopefully, a lot of fun.
So, OrganizingLA Blog readers, I'd love to hear your thoughts about television "fakeovers" as we call them. Please share.
before picture at top of blog post from an actual project, property of OrganizingLA
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